EVALUATIONIN WHAT WAYS DOES YOUR MEDIA PRODUCTS USE, DEVELOP OR CHALLENGE FORMS AND CONVENTIONAL OF REAL MEDIA PRODUCTS?Our media coursework isn't great, however we have tried to keep to original conventions of a horror/thriller short film. The narrative of our film follows Torodov's 5 Stages loosely however, we can apply this theory to our film. Our film, like all horror/thriller films return to equilibrium therefore theaudience is left satisifed. We have also explored voyeurism with our film as it is based around a group of teenagers watching a horror movie and they become a part of a horror/thriller film.
Our review page however challenge simple conventions as we usually would not find this sort of articles in Empire. This product and our main task links due to the use of font as the font we have used is seen during the titles and is the font used as the headings in the review page. The layout also challenges conventions of a review article as the layout is in the style of someone writing, and sticking the pictures down with sticky tape. This what makes the review page unique as it is completely different from existing articels however some of the features can be seen between existing film reviews and ours. For example, the layout of the articles themselves are based upon reviews I researched on Empire's magazine where it tells you the information and how many stars that was awarded plus the columing of plot; review and verdict sections. The style that we have written them in are also seen in existing media products as they are quite informal with a few jokes however with some honesty; for example the quality in some places is poor.
The movie poster on the other had, is very conventional to existing movie posters. Using Eagle Eye's film poster as a refrence and to others such as Deception, Disturbia and The Happening; there is a divide within our poster which is our newspaper. Plus, with the other relevenant information such as date released, actors/esses etc, the poster's authenticity is very close to existing products. We have placed our film's company identity also as the audience can make reference to who made it and that the release date and tagline informs the audience what genre the film is immediately.
However, unlike horror/thriller films the lighting is quite bright. This is due to essentially time constraints as we would have filmed it at night during the winter season however due to unforseenable winter showers and unreliable people this was not achieved. In addition, the scene where Jack describes Alexander Manson, we had to brighten that section becasue it was not visible. This can challenge conventions of existing products as the majority of horror/thriller movies use very little lighting and have a dark colour pallette whilst ours is quite bright and artificual. Also, you do not see any blood or killing, which Paul was quite dissappointed with but needless to say this would not have worked because of the non-existant budget. It would have been very obvious and ruin the whole film.
Like all films, a score was made for our film which we tried and use to create tension at specific points in the film. The music was very slow to prolong the tension further and with the effects of thunder and lighting to make it that little bit more scary.
HOW EFFECTIVE IS THE COMBINATION OF YOUR MAIN PRODUCT AND ANCILLERY TEXTS?Looking at the products we have created as a set, they do work well however certain elements could have been better. The filiming was limited not just due to time constraints but with the equipment too as to film it better; we needed to film it handheld with the cost of a shakey production. Also, without any lighting packs, we could not afford to turn the lights off in the lving room as nothing would be seen and the footage would have to be restored. On the contray, if we filmed when we were supposed to a better outcome might have been achieved.
Although, as a set they all link which is vital. The narrative is seen through the movie poster as the audience can draw to the conclusion that the disruption to equilbrium is due to a stalker which might not be human due to the lighting used. The font used in the opening titles is seen in the movie poster as the headings. As all of the film mentioned in the review are horrors, the audience can conclude that this magazine along with Dark Circle are ones that specifically direct their attention to this genre. This therefore, might be able to go into the mainstream as a potential opening in the market might be seen. The setbacks of time and no actors/resses really cost us as there were no amount of time to sufficnetly make ammendments to any of the products as the film was our first and final cut; the review page was the first draft as it couldn't be done without seeing what the film looked like and the movie poster was the first idea for this cast. This would be something that I would take into account if I had the opportunity to redo the project or when I start a new one.
If we were to settle with Hope, the two products of the film and the psoter would have worked well together also. The tagline for this film would have been mentioned at the end of the movie and the audience feels that the character does have hope. Our symbol for this film would have been the dove, to represent a belief that you can lose everything important to you however have hope left to restore everything.
WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED FROM AUDIENCE FEEDBACK?The audience feedback that we got shared the same criticism that the sound was poor. Indeed it was however, this would have been one thing that we would have rectified if we had more time. Overall, the feedback was postive and that they enjoyed the film. They like the quality of the picture, the music and more importantly the acting. They liked the joke about the Ring and found it funny. Although, I don't think that the film was well liked as on YouTube there is not a lot of comments posted as we had placed it onto Facebook, YouTube and Twitter and somebody did give it a thumbs down.
HOW HAVE YOU USED/DEVELOPED YOUR SKILLS USING DIGITAL MEDIA IN COMPLETING YOUR MAIN PRODUCT AND TWO AUXILARY PRODUCTS?My short film main synopsis is based around voyeurism, which the characters find themselves on the front page of the following day’s newspaper which informs them that they are dead. Digital technology was therefore highly used to create the newspaper which features in our film. Adobe Photoshop, an industry standard package was used to create a realistic Sun newspaper which we used several front pages of the national newspaper to give ours the authenticity needed. Without this package, the newspaper would have been of a poor quality and would not have the effect we were looking for; to make the audience and the characters cringe at the fact they are on the front of a newspaper dead.
The quality of camcorders in the last decade has dramatically changed and we were lucky enough to have filmed our film with Flip HD cameras which gave us the opportunity to film in high definition. The advantages of these cameras are that they are small and lightweight which allowed us to easily transport and to use in the streets for our alternative idea and at parties for the original opening for our film. The clips are first recorded in high definition and more importantly the clips are stored digitally, which the user can pull out the USB stick and plug it into a computer to upload their footage. This saves an immense amount of time and the clips are safely located.
We were fortunate enough to edit our films on Macs and use Final Cut Pro, a highly professional standard piece of software. The benefits of this software was apart from being professional standard, it allows far more editing options than Windows Movie Maker. After learning how to use the program, it became very easy and is good practice to learn how to use the software for later projects.
Digital technology came very important in keeping a record of the progress we were making. Using a website called blogger.com; it was very easy in blogging what happened and being published it allowed for our target audience to see the progress. It is also beneficial as being on the World Wide Web, it is easily located and being in a digital format, there is no fear of losing it unlike if it was hand-written.
Like the newspaper, the film poster, the review page and our company’s logo were made using computing software. The logo was made on PowerPoint to create the animation whilst the design was created in Photoshop; like the movie poster and review page. A font was downloaded to create the titles in the film and for our review page to create the mood we want and without the internet that would have not been possible.
Finally, we were able to distribute our film on the internet by placing it onto Youtube. Placing it on the website can allow us to get vital feedback and for the film to reach its target audience. Placing it on the internet is very simple and today’s society watches millions of videos uploaded on the website.
The advancements in digital technology have enabled me to create all of this which the quality is far superior for amateur film makers in the past. The easiness, the cost-cutting, the quality has enabled us to create synopsis which might not have been possible for amateur film makers to make in the past. That’s why digital technology was vitally important in our coursework.